
Pub Long Service Awards

Nigel Smith – Fleece Inn, Bretforton

Wednesday 7th September 2022

Lloyd explained that during a previous presentation speech to mark the occasion of the Fleece being awarded this year’s branch Pub of the Year (POTY) for Worcestershire the third factor mentioned in reaching that decision was Nigel himself, and that this evening we were here to recognise Nigel’s twenty years stewardship of this remarkable pub.

Nigel took on the Stewardship of the Fleece in September 2002 and let’s just say that the first couple of years presented him with a number of hurdles, mainly the fire of 2004, which started in the dugout bar and quickly spread to the timbers and thatched roof of the 14th century pub. However, through hard work and determination he has “grown” the Fleece ethos into what we experience today which is a pub in the heart of the local community.

The community has always then been important to Nigel and nowhere was this seen more clearly than during both lockdown periods where he organised on-line weekly quizzes, special take away menus, home beer options and of course “Fleece TV”!

Promoting Vale asparagus has also been a feature and in particular venture from 2013 we saw the appearance of the amazing Asparacart which leapt on to the score boards at the annual Redbull Soapbox Race in London having hit the leader board for achieving the highest jump of the day by a race cart.

Interestingly, being a Nigel remains a lonely problem as according to National Statistics no babies were named Nigel between 2016 and 2020. So, to try and support Nigel’s everywhere he organised a Nigel evening in 2019 where 434 men gathered at the Fleece to celebrate together. Post covid we now also understand that another celebration is being organised for later on this month where he is hoping to break his world record as more than 500 people have already booked their place for the evening where funds are being raised for the British Heart Foundation.

Nigel is a very enthusiastic and knowledgeable landlord who offers his customers at the Fleece an excellent range real ales together with a very good food offering and we had great pleasure to ask him to accept our Special Award which we presented to him in recognition of his 20 years at the helm of this unique pub.

Pictured behind the bar of the Fleece is Nigel receiving his certificate from branch Chairman Lloyd Evans.

Carl & Karen Buxton – Turks Head, Alcester

Thursday 3rd February 2022

Shakespeare CAMRA were proud to present to Carl & Karen Buxton, the tenants of the Turks Head, Alcester, an award to commemorate their having celebrated 20 years (23.01.2002 – 22.01.22) of holding the tenancy of this fantastic public house situated in the centre of the town. Both came from business careers in London with no previous experience in the trade of publicans but have developed the Turks into one of the premier houses in Warwickshire serving a variety of cask ales, lager and ciders complimented by a great food menu. We at Shakespeare CAMRA strive to promote the ideals of real ale throughout our share of the counties of Warwickshire and Worcestershire and we were pleased to have joined with this happy couple’s celebrations held the previous Thursday on the reduction of the Covid restrictions that have been affecting their business over the last 2 years. Well done Carl & Karen.

Pictured in the bar of the Turks is branch Chairman Lloyd Evans handing a framed certificate to Carl & Karen Buxton.

Andrew Scott – Crown & Trumpet, Broadway

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Our congratulations are offered to Andrew Scott, who has run the GBG listed Crown and Trumpet in Broadway for over thirty five years, for his life time achievement award presented at the Ei pub group’s inaugural awards for excellence evening.

The award was presented at a special ceremony hosted by the Ei group at Coombe Abbey in Warwickshire. A founding member of Shakespeare CAMRA, Andrew was described in the nomination for the award as being as “committed for his business as much as he was on his first day. He is always positive, polite, approachable and a perfect gentleman” which as a branch we would also fully agree with.

During the presentation Ei group chief executive Simon Townsend made reference as to how “Andrew has consistently shown passion commitment and energy in running the Crown and Trumpet in Church Street for so many years”.

On behalf of the branch well done Andrew it is good to see all your hard work being recognised at a national awards ceremony.